Services & Rates

Your session fits you!

55 minutes: $65-$85

Each person is different, and each session is tailored to help you feel your best. My specialty is alleviating pain and increasing your mobility. For 24 years I've been helping people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis and various injuries to feel better. Using techniques from Structural Integration, Russian Medical Massage, and Neuromuscular Therapy--I find the places where you are stuck and help you get unstuck! Often the places where you are hurting are not where the problem is originating. The bodywork gives your nervous system the input to recognize where you are holding. In some cases, I'll have you move as I work on a particular area in a way that gets your connective tissue and muscles to ease up without a whole lot of pain while you're on the table. I'll suggest movements you can do at home to set you on the way to more mobility and no pain.

Just need to relax and destress? We can do that too.